Friday, September 24, 2010

India - Where are we heading ?

This morning, I came across an incident. A military person was trying to stop vehicles so that the horses can cross the road. Everybody tried to go past him from all possible routes, sombody actually hit few horses. Then eventually more military people came and helped him.
This incident is an example of where we are heading as a country. The answer is to Chaos.

If a common citizen does not want to follow some basic rules and want to rush through by all possible means, what do we exepct from our so called leaders i.e. politicians ? They are also doing the same thing.

Sometimes, when I look around, I see that now days nobody is ashamed of corrupt practices. As long as you have money, influence, support of people you can do anything in this country. If somebody wants to do a govt. job, the only reason is to get the benefits, the income other than regular and legal income (under the table) sometimes without working.

Even in pvt. industries, given a choice people will not work unless supervisor / manager monitors them. Asking somebody to focus on work which is his / her duty is considered as an offence. Supervisors / managers in pvt companies specially IT industry are supposed to motivate people for doing there regular duty.

With this mindset, are we really going to be a superpower ? Do we have the maturity ? Do we care for the society , country ?