Monday, August 15, 2011

We Indians, Anna Hazare and his mission against corruption

One thing is for sure that, Anna Hazare has the support of Indians in his mission against corruption. People have faith in him and not in the leaders they have voted and sent to govern the country. But these people, when it comes to electing their MPs, MLAs are mostly ignorant. The criteria for electing somebody there is not the performance but varios other attributes.

One party, while acting against one of the senior leaders who was facing the corruption charges, was afraid that if they act against him they will loose the support from the cast community he belongs. Now if it is a true fear, then the question is why somebody supports a person who is facing corruption charges, just because he is from the same cast ?  As an individual, ones duty does not end with merely suporting a good mission by shouting slogans, posting messages on wall, one has to ensure that in his personal life he / she practices the non-corruption.

when it comes to individual responsibilities as a citizen everybody needs the revolution from within. Follow the traffic rules, pay the tax, dont stop the electricity meters (for somebody dont steal it), dont ask for undue favours because you are a officer, from local community, a rich person. I have seen people jumping the queus and when questioned they ask you do you know "who am I"? Unless people come out of "who am I" mentality and treat everybody with equility corruption will be there.

Corruption is not just scams done by politicians, it is asking for favours by any means. One goes to temple and seeks help from the priest who is his friend to jump the queue. A gang of 10-12 people jump the bus-ticket queue just because they have the united numbers and the other people can not fight against them or dont want to do that. Doing personal work in office hours is corruption, using office resources for personal use is corruption.

For one thing I want to agree with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is that, "Lokpal" is not a magic wand to remove the corruption at once, but yes that is the first step. The elected leaders have to lead by example and make "Lokpal" reality.

Looking forward for the "Lokpal" to become reality but more important is to remove corruption completely and it is duty of each person to be a non-corrupt Indian.