Thursday, May 20, 2010

Being father

When I speak to my daughters, when I deal with them for their demands (to say "No"), I try to remember the similar situation between me and father and mostly give up to their demands :-). Now days it has become my habit to observe the way my daughters speak to me, behave with me, want my time for them (which is very essential) and then their is obvious comparision with my young age. I try to think from their perspective and understand what all they need from father. Mostly it is "time". I had volunteered as a "story narrator" in my daughters school, I did it and received an appreciation token from the school and realized that, it made my daughter very proud of me. She immediately took it from me and showed it her friends in the school, told almost every girl of her age in the society :-). After that I felt there are very small things which makes them happy but needs those some "minutes" from you. My younger daughter waits for me in the evening and starts giving me updates as soon as I am walking towards my home (mostly complaints of mom, sister, did this and did that), but she needs me to listen to those and acknowledge and act on that.
So, that means they just want few minutes from me (which I am trying to work on)

Monday, May 10, 2010

An eye for eye, makes whole world blind

"An eye for eye, makes whole world blind", is one of the quotes used very smartly. This quote is a great thought, but should not be true in all cases. This is true for the people who realize their mistakes and repent and hence "an eye for eye" should not be used for them.

But this quote should not be used to parden the anti-social elements who are never going to repent. Sometimes we need to ensure that no body dares to commit the same "in-human" thing and an eye for eye is necessary at times.

Recently, there was a news about a criminal, who committed the same crime again. This guy was expelled from town, but then somehow got the expulsion cancelled. After some time, he committed the same crime again. Should we give him more time for improvment (and hence risk the entire society who suffers from his crime) or ensure that he does not dare to do it again?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Truth always Prevails

Truth always prevails, but before that it generally goes through horrible pain. Imagine a situation when somebody who wants to tell a truth and there are more people who want to counter that, well there is no need to imagine this situation as it happens everyday.
You stop at a signal as it is RED, and more people behind you wants you to jump it. There are hopes that, one day everybody will stop, but till then you need to listen to "honking".
You make sure that you are aways on time, but have to wait for others who are not on time and have an excuse that they had some "important" work and most of the time people will be late and eventually you have to "adjust" with this. It is not about delay, it is about the fact that nobody wants to accept the "truth" that its wrong to be late.

Popular vs. Right Decision

Popular vs. Right Decision
It is always said that the popular decisions are never right. Most of the times majority is the only reason why some things are done. It does not matter if it is right and wrong, as long as it is popular or accepted by one.But most of the times, popular decisions are prefered. I never understood, why some things happen just because most of the people want it knowing that it is wrong or incorrect.