Friday, June 11, 2010

Being sensitive: Bhopal Tragedy

Now days, all news papers, TV channels have the news about Bhopal tragedy. What concerns me most is about people being insensitive towards the issue. Mr. Obama talks about kicking the butt of the person who is responsible for the oil leakage recently, but the americans do not expect India to have another inquiry on Bhopal gas tragedy and they all know that India is helpless. America has denied access to Anderson and India can not do anything about that. But if it would have been otherwise with the equal sevirity, we all know what happens.

Coming back to India, unless any tragedy, any incident affect somebody personaly, nobody seems to be interested in discussing what is right and wrong. Being sensitive towards social issues viz. gas tragedy, farmers sucide, corruption is labelled as emotional and not practical. I dont think being sensitive is a crime, if I get into tears by reading a tragedy of a farmers family I feel its something human and if somebody wants to do something for that cause its a great thing.

Things will not improve overinight or one person can not change it, but onc can atleast acknowledge that these things are not good. Accepting and living with it is not a sign of livelihood.

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